吉林警察学院自考网 吉林司法警官职业学院
- 自考学校
- 2023-03-23 06:47:46
政法类 公办 专科(高职)
吉林司法警官职业学院(The judicial Jilin Police College)前身是吉林省司法学校和吉林省监狱警官学校,具有二十多年独立举办高中后普通中专教育的历史和十余年联办成人本、专科教育的经验。2002年1月14日,经吉林省人民政府以吉政函[2002]2号文件形式正式批准成为专科层次的普通高等职业院校,主管部门是吉林省司法厅,其代码为12901。
Jilin Judicial Police Vocational College
Public College of Politics and Law (Higher Vocational College)
The Judicial Jilin Police College, formerly known as Jilin Provincial Judicial School and Jilin Provincial Prison Police Officer School, has more than 20 years of experience in independently running post-high school general technical secondary education and more than 10 years of experience in jointly running adult-oriented and specialized education. On January 14, 2002, Jilin Provincial People's Government officially approved it to become a general higher vocational college at the junior college level in the form of Jizheng [2002] No. 2 document. The competent department is Jilin Provincial Department of Justice, and its code is 12901.
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